dimarts, 28 de maig del 2013

The pirate Sir Francis Drake

Hello, this is my pirate, he is thin and small, he is wearing a black t-shirt with the skull and bones, blue trousers and a grey boot and also a grey peg leg. He has an eye patch, a tatoo, a grey hook, a green parrot and a yellow  beard. He is wearing a  red pirate hat and a scar and a pistol. The pirate is in the island , in the island are a plam tree with coconuts, a spade for dig a treasure chest with the treasure map and a seagulls. There is the sea next to the island, in the sea there is a pirate ship with a black flag: it hasºa skull and bones. In the ship there are three sails and also three hatches, there are two cannons: they haven't  any cannon balls ; and also there is a grey anchor. In the deep sea there is a volcano.

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